Friday, September 23, 2011


     A three word question that almost strikes fear into my heart.  Who am I?  What does it mean?  Is it referring to what I job?  Is it referring to that innermost place, the secret chamber that we keep locked away inside of us?  WHO AM I ???  Is it who I am today?  Because, who I am today isn't the person I was yesterday, and not going to be the person I will be tomorrow.  I change.   Today..... I ... am ...lost. 
     Today, I seem to have lost the drive monster.  The go get it machine seems to have done got it.  I miss my job.  I try to push it out of my mind and focus on what I am actually doing and it just keeps coming back.  I don't have a purpose now with my employer.  I had a purpose before.... it actually took some thought to do what was done.  Now, no thought....just a mindless drone.   The ambition to try anything new has left least for today.  Enough about that place and how it makes me fill I want to know about you....


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